2024 NFL Season in Review: Good, Bad, and Ugly

Well, another NFL regular season is in the books. Highlights are the Chiefs being near-perfect, the Raiders disappoint everyone, and the Jets continuing to Jet. Here is the 2024 NFL regular season wrapped up in three takes:

Good: The Kansas City Chiefs. They are the best-run organization in the NFL and it’s showing with division title after division title.

Bad: The Las Vegas Raiders. They were looking at building on their 8-9 record from the year prior but, instead, due to injuries, poor QB play from three of them, and a disgruntled WR, they halved the win total, finishing 4-13, just good enough to stay out of the top 5 in the 2025 NFL draft.

The Downright Ugly: The New York Jets. Who is running the personnel department of the team? The owner… or his Grandson? When decisions are made based off of Madden Ratings, you wonder why they have a scouting department because if Madden is their scouting database, where is the department? This is a classic case of football malpractice and the league needs to do something about this.